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Chinese translation for "officer liability insurance"


Related Translations:
limitation of liability:  责任范围限制责任上限责任限度责任限额责任限制
naval officer:  美国财政部驻海关人员
operations officer:  民航事务主任作训处处长
officer commanding:  指挥官
watch officer:  值班员;值班驾驶员值更官
signal officer:  通信主任
briefing officer:  讲解员新闻发布官
s officer:  文件干事
evaluation officer:  评价干事
public officer:  公务员。
Example Sentences:
1.Insurance object and insurance interest of directors and officers liability insurance
2.The article introduces and studies the basic theory of directors and officers liability insurance
3.The lacking of the research on basic theory of directors and officers liability insurance will affect the stable development of it studying the basic theory from legal area is a meaningful work
4.The article uses many kinds of ways to structure the directors and officers liability insurance in china , and expects to promote the development of directors and officers liability insurance
5.The first directors and officers liability insurance in china was released by picc and chubb group of insurance company on january 23 , 2002 . comparing with other countries and districts , our country is behind in the area of directors and officers liability insurance
6.In order to encourage excellent managers to do business bravely and get more benefits for the shareholders , the western countries mostly use laws to expand directors and officers liability insurance , to scatter their responsibilities
7.Directors and officers liability insurance refers to a system by which the directors and officers ( including directors , supervisors , managers , etc . ) transfer the risk of taking the responsibility of compensation for the company ' s or others " ( including shareholders , creditors , etc . ) economic damages they made in work by fault to insurance companies . the insurance companies take the responsibility according to the insurance contract
公司董事及高级职员责任保险,是指公司董事及高级职员(包括董事、监事、经理等) ,将其在行使职权时因过错行为而导致公司或第三者(股东、债权人等)遭受经济损失依法应承担赔偿责任的风险转嫁给保险公司,由保险公司按保险合同约定来承担赔偿责任的制度。
8.The article firstly introduces the concept of directors and officers liability insurance , legal characteristics of the kinds , general situation in other countries , and the meaning of developing it then it analyses it from seven aspects , including the objects of directors and officers liability insurance , the parties of directors and officers liability insurance contract relevant party , the payment of premium , the range of responsibility , the period of insurance , the duty of notifying of the insured and assured
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